LeadsPilot Website Support System

This is a website hosting and support program for a small hosting business or personal programmer and developer contractor. The application is capable of signing up new hosting account clients and allows those clients to open and respond to support based tickets to get support from your hosting or development services. The admin may add as many hosting or development "plans" as they like.

There are two tables in the database for types of customers. A Hosting Plan customer will sign up for a hosting (or development) plan using the file 'signup.php' and that data will be stored in the table `websites`. A customer using the Support Ticket System will sign up using the 'register.php' page and data is stored in the `customers` table. This method allows both types of customers to be distinguished as "customer" for Support Ticket systems and "client" for Hosting(development).

A generic "sign up" page is included as a reference template to allow the system to create new accounts but, a payment gateway must be manually integrated. As an alternative to a payment gateway, you can choose to use the included 'notifynew.php' default template to automatically invoice a new hosting signup client.

The Support System is only visible to the customers while the Hosting Management for clients is only visible to administrator privileges.

The number of plans to create is only limited to the method of how you assign a unique identifier--a number higher than 10--to the column `planid` in the table `hostplan`. Currently there are five using 11 to 15 as identifiers.

A development project or anything other than hosting, that which may need to be billed yearly, will use a unique identifier in the payments field set above the number 3. Numbers 0 thru 3 are reserved to calculate when a payment is needed to be made. There are tips throughout the admin pages to remind you of this as a reference. It would be easy to create a drop down field, Select and assign a value from 0 on up to your options, if you need to make the interface more user friendly.

General tips to note before you get started






